Meet the Prana Team

Bea Spadacini

My name is Bea Spadacini and I grew up in Milan, Italy. When I turned 18, I left my native country to go and study in the United States. I am a communicator and a journalist by training, and I am drawn to stories that elevate the voices of people who have been historically marginalized or whose most fundamental rights have been denied, including the right to accessible and affordable healthcare. Throughout my career I have been fortunate to travel around the world and to meet people doing important social justice and environmental work. Their determination and resilience have inspired my work as a storyteller and have fueled my commitment to building bridges of understanding among people and to advocate for a more fair, compassionate, and inclusive world.

For six years I lived and worked in Nairobi, Kenya, which is also where my daughter Zawadi was born. In East Africa I made amazing friends and I learned a great deal about the rich history of this continent and the devastating impact of colonialism and capitalism. I returned to the US to give a more stable life to my daughter. I opted for less glamorous “office jobs,” and slowed down my travel considerably. It was the COVID-19 pandemic that eventually brought me full circle back to my native country of Italy. Seeing images of empty streets and ambulances in Milan, the city where I was born in, during the early days of the pandemic was heartbreaking. I vowed to do everything I could to return home. Two years later, when travel restrictions eased, I flew to Italy with my daughter to meet a relative who happened to be taking a short vacation in Abruzzo. That was my first time in this region, and it was love at first sight. The rest is history, and the birth of Prana Tours!

Ilaria Bagni

My name is Ilaria Bagni and I was born in Mogadishu, Somalia to Italian parents. Professionally, I grew up in Lazio and Abruzzo where I have worked in both large and small companies, and I have also been a freelancer in Linguistics, Business, and Tourism Consulting. I am passionate about training, and training of trainers. I also love reading. A book that has inspired me is entitled "Leader of Yourself." It is a multi-sensory toolkit with a subtitle that resonates greatly with me: "Changing the quality of life by communicating with oneself."

I am a keen traveler, and I love exploring nature. My love for traveling in harmony with nature is rooted in a few principles that are dear to me: Constant curiosity: Nature-loving travelers are driven by curiosity; Appreciation for the variety of plant and animal life: The vastness and diversity of flora and fauna are unparalleled. Every journey in nature leaves indelible memories, and the beauty of open spaces always inspires me. Relaxation and comfort: those who love being in contact with nature seek experiences that offer relaxation without sacrificing comfort. Natural locations provide timeless beauty, and booking a vacation in these places is an opportunity not to be missed.

To sum it up, traveling in nature for me is a way to explore, learn, and appreciate the beauty of our planet. Whether you are a curious traveler or a passionate professional, nature always offers something extraordinary to discover! If you love traveling in nature, you are in great company! Exploring places immersed in the natural beauty is an experience that enriches the soul and connects us with the world in unique ways.

Trust the Alignment

A few words about how Bea and Ilaria met . . . on a Pilates floor class in Pescara, unsurprisingly! Two entrepreneurial women who are passionate about health, nature, fresh foods and connections as a way of healing started to dream together. The idea of Prana Tours was planted casually over an Italian aperitivo, and it evolved gradually over Google Meet and across the Atlantic. It is the kind of travel experience that we both would choose.

It is the opposite of rushed, frantic, and packed travel.

It is not Rome, Florence and Venice in one week, and check the box for Italy.

It is slow, mindful, sustainable, and deeply nourishing travel - One Breath at the Time . . .