Women’s Wellness Retreat 2024

October 31 to November 8

“The Way Out is In,” said Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.

The goal of this retreat is to bring you back home to yourself, while exploring a beautiful part of Italy. We promote slow, mindful, and sustainable travel. This is an inward as well as an outward journey. It is an opportunity to reconnect to yourself, while connecting to others. We will practice being in the body through a variety of nourishing experiences that tap into our senses: walking, hiking, cooking, eating, inhaling essential oils, journaling, listening to music, and being in nature while harvesting saffron or visiting a donkey family farm. Every day will start with some light yoga and intention setting. In the evenings, there will be optional guided meditations to ease into restful and relaxed sleep.

The breath, or Prana, will carry us through all these experiences. Nutrition is vital for our wellbeing. Throughout this retreat you will have access to freshly cooked food and healthy meals. We invite our guests to “be in curiosity” with the landscape and the people of this stunning, magical, and deeply spiritual region of Italy. Please note that the itinerary might change slightly, depending on the weather and the number of confirmed guests.

Oct. 31: Ease into it…Pescara beach walk

Guests arrive to Pescara by mid afternoon. We pick you up at the bus station or train station and take you to your hotel. Dinner together by the beach and mindful walk on the Adriatic seaside. Savoring a delicious gelato in Living Room square!

Nov. 1: Medieval Borgo Navelli: Step back in time

Yoga on the beach, followed by a healthy brunch. Hotel checkout and 1.5 hours drive up to Borgo Navelli, a medieval town situated up on top of a hill. Check into hotel, mindful walk of the town, group dinner and guided meditation at night.

Nov. 2: Feeling grounded while harvesting saffron

Early morning ride across the hills to the saffron harvest area, pick the purple flowers, work with the blooms, and extract the stigmas. Walk around town of Civitarenga. Back to Navelli, journaling and mindful art. Relax time followed by dinner aperitif.

Nov. 3: Enjoy autumn and discover L’Aquila

Early morning yoga and stretching. Travel to l’Aquila, the historical capital city of Abruzzo. Explore this city from the rooftops and the church bell towers. Mandala weaving in the afternoon, and roasted chestnuts & wine in the evening.

Nov. 4: Trekking in the Gran Sasso Mountains

Early morning yoga and intention setting. Hiking and knitting in the Gran Sasso Mountain range. Outdoor pic nic luncheon, laboratory session in the afternoon. group dinner and autumn crafts in the evening.

Nov. 5: Connecting with locals through food

MIndful walking and intention setting. Connect with the locals and learn traditional Abruzzo dishes made with local produce such as lentils, chickpeas, and homemade olive oil. Explore essential oils at Terra Italia. Late afternoon yoga class, followed by dinner aperitif.

Nov. 6: Hike the trails around Rocca Calascio

Yoga morning stretching and intention setting. Bus ride to one of Italy’s most stunning medieval villages: Santo Stefanio di Sessania. Mindful tour of the town, hike to Rocca Calascio castle with packed lunch. In the evening, enjoy a traditional cornmeal dinner back in Navelli. Guided meditation.

Nov. 7: Find your stillness in the Stiffe Caves

Yoga morning stretching and intention setting. Visit a donkey family farm and ride the lentil trails. Enjoy a warm homemade lentil soup with local handmade bread. Afternoon visit to a natural geological wonder in a regional park reserve. Enjoy a cozy pizza dinner and mindful art evening.

Nov. 8: Coming Full circle back to Pescara

Yoga stretches and breath work. Hotel check out. Ride the bus back to Pescara. Group lunch on the beach, and goodbye circle. Immersive travel tour finished around 3pm. From Pescara you can easily take the train to other destinations in Italy or the bus to downtown Rome or straight to the airport.


Women’s Wellness Retreat 2024

The cost for this retreat ranges from US$ 2,100 to US$ 2,700 per person, depending on the type of accommodation one chooses. This price includes all hotels, meals, restorative and immersive experiences, and transport during the week. This travel experience is designed for a maximum of 15 women.

The package does NOT include airfare to/from Italy and round trip bus travel from Rome airport to Pescara. Depending on the bus one takes, that is usually a maximum of US$ 50 round trip. All guests will be required to purchase medical travel insurance on their own.

Reservations close July 1st. A deposit of US$ 500 is required to reserve your spot by July 1st. Fully refundable deposit by end of July. 50% refundable by end of August

15 Spots Only! Reserve yours: pranatours2024@gmail.com